Historical Vignettes
By circumstances related to my employment, I have acquired much historical information on North American forest entomology throughout its first century. During 2007-2009, I wrote numerous illustrated anecdotal accounts derived from this material and my personal recollections, which were posted on the WFIWC web site with help from Kathy Sheehan, then Web Master. They are grouped by categories below. They also include longer vignettes on miscellaneous historical topics, oral histories, and essays. A link containing a related Bibliography (AK bibliography) was also created
I enjoyed digging into the stories and sharing my own experiences that began at mid-century when I was hired by Paul Keen at Berkeley. Use of posted material is encouraged. Please credit their source as follows: “Western Forest Insect Work Conference archives.” For commercial purposes, contact the current WFIWC Chairperson; a modest fee may be requested to benefit the WFIWC Scholarship Fund.
Malcolm Furniss
Burke Essay
Control Methods
Early Airplane Use in Insect Surveys
Equipment and Methods
Insects and Damage
McCambridge - 1st in Alaska
Yellowstone National Park
Frank C. Craighead - Oral History
James C. Everden - Oral History
Robert L. Furniss - Oral History
Ralph C. Hall - Oral History
F. Paul Keen -Oral History
115 year of Photography